Category: Poetry & Essays

  • For you

    [22 SEPTEMBER 2022] You never cease to surprise me –cliché I known, especially consideringthe circumstances – but I have never thoughtit truer than I do now. Time has hardened your body andsoftened your eyes – I notice it when I hold you from behind and you leanback and press your face to mine – and…

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  • A Long Death

    [20 SEPTEMBER 2022] The prize of secrets is control – fragile, fleeting, ever-scrambling,always fearing. Its cost is double, and it’s demanded every day.

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  • Limbo, or Purgatory

    [8 September 2021] When all that’s left is me andyou, but you are not the youI knew, what can I hold onto?For I am not the me I was, noram, I guess, nor ever was, and hencethe you you knew I knew the meI knew you knew and the you you knewnew I knew anew…

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  • Purgatory, or Limbo

    [7 September 2021] And at the end of it all, when the lastnote is sung and the breath that carriedit into the night mingles with a thousandothers and settles into obscurity beforebeing taken up again to give voice toanother thought not its own, then, and onlythen, can we look back and evaluate it forwhat is…

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  • Ode to the Sublime

    [6 June 2021] I am stretched,strained, pulled between the not yetand the never, held in suspension betweentwo things that never were andnever will be, perpetually at thepoint just before the sun crestsover the horizon like a newbornemerging from the grave of hisbirth. Stillborn. Died by my ownhands, perhaps, but who can sever thelink between necessity…

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  • Old memories

    [10 April 2021] I used to dream about the time we spenttogether, but I’m past the point of feelingnostalgic for something that was never mine. June is a month of beginnings and endings –I say to myself. I’ve forgotten the touchof your fingertips, but the splash of rain on my face –somehow it reminds me…

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  • What comes next

    [10 December 2020] How long can we two stayon this path? Your hands, yourwords pull me, draw me deeperand deeper in. I feel thesoul of them. They call memine. My hands, my heart respondin kind, but my words stopcold in my throat. I look at you across the kitchencounter, your eyes bright, yourframe small. Open…

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  • Under the boughs of the old yew tree

    [10 December 2020] I take solace in being alone (words Inever thought I’d say and words I’ve neversaid out loud). The boughs of the oldyew tree in the centre of the churchyardhave all come down, but the roots godeep. The stories fill the gaps in mymemories where I carved out spaces toremain whole. The distances…

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  • I’ll never forget what you said that night while we sat on the pier with our feet in the water

    [25 November 2020] Sometimes I think back to the timewhen the will be was – to the timewhen you stretched your hand outand reached for the inevitablepossible. You on the ground,you arm in the sky, your eyes tothe heavens. The stars were aligned that nightbecause you with a wave of your handpicked them up one…

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  • Breath

    [24 November 2020] I hear you breathe, and youbreathe – long, deep, filling thespace of your silences with the airof being, of seeing, of making mapsand making meaning out of these twolightpoles in the night – go stop, gostop, go stop, blinking on and on –of our not-innocence, of journeyingthrough the distances, carving portalsbetween the…

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